Poster +3 Presentations

Please follow these requirements:

  • A poster is a summary of your research or scholarly project in a visually engaging way (through photographs, images, charts, etc).
  • Posters must be academically sound. They must include the context, intervention (if relevant), methods, results and conclusions.
  • At ISRII Auckland 2019 selected poster presenters will be asked to deliver a 3-minute talk (strictly timed) about the work represented in their poster. This will take place at a dedicated session.
  • You will also be required to stand by your poster and engage with the audience during selected breaks or other dedicated poster sessions.
  • Instructions on poster size and format will be on the website soon.
    In the meantime, there are some useful hints for poster presenters here:


Each submission is to be completed on the submission template provided below:

Poster +3 Presentation Abstract Template

To submit your abstract, please click on the button below:

Submit Poster +3 Presentation Abstract


Abstract Guidelines

Please read and follow the instructions carefully.

Before you begin, please prepare the following information:

  • Presenting author’s contact details, affiliation and email address.
  • Co-authors’ contact details, affiliations and email addresses.
  • Affiliation details: department, institution, city, state (if relevant), and country.
  • Abstract title – limited to 20 words.
  • Abstract text – limited to 250 words.
  • You must use the correct abstract template when preparing your abstract (there is a different abstract template for each presentation type). Incorrectly formatted abstracts may be rejected outright.
  • Abstracts should use the following structured format. These don’t apply to Panel Discussions or Ignite-style Talks:

Intervention (if relevant)

  • If you are presenting regarding a digital intervention (which is/has been developed), you must include between one and three images that illustrate the intervention you are describing (please ensure you have the necessary copyright to do so). These images will be included in the Conference app along with the abstract.
  • Please note the maximum file size is 5MB so you will need to resize your images accordingly.
  • Please keep the total length to within one page.
  • References are optional.
  • Please keep to the fonts and layouts in the template.
  • Please name your file as follows: surname, first name (of the presenting author) up to first five words of your title, e.g. Smith, Jane. Co-design of app
  • Do not use headers or footnotes.

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