Panel Discussion

Please follow these requirements:

  • Panel discussions are planned to be 60 minutes in length.
  • 1 chair and between 4-5 speakers. The chair should not be one of the speakers.
  • The aim of a Panel discussion is to present a number of different views and robustly discuss them. The Chair will be responsible for generating and submitting key questions that the panellists will address AND to take questions from the audience.
  • The chair is responsible for submitting a brief description of the proposed panel (max. 250 words); between 4-5 names and affiliations of the contributing panellists and their role/s in the discussion; key questions that will be asked of the panellists to discuss. Please submit this as one file.
  • Submissions for panel discussion do not need to follow a standard abstract structure (see below).
    We hope to facilitate robust and lively discussion, so please consider the composition of the proposed panel to represent different viewpoints or disciplines.
  • Prior to submission, the chair should ask for the preliminary availability of every speaker in their session.
  • Only the chair will receive notification of the final Scientific Committee decision, and they will be responsible for communicating the result to all other speakers.

Each submission is to be completed on the submission template provided below:

Panel Discussion Abstract Template

To submit your abstract, please click on the button below:

Submit Panel Discussion Abstract

Abstract Guidelines

Please read and follow the instructions carefully.

Before you begin, please prepare the following information:

  • Chair and contributing panellist contact details, affiliation and email address.
  • Affiliation details: department, institution, city, state (if relevant), and country.
  • Abstract title – limited to 20 words.
  • Abstract text – limited to 250 words.
  • You must use the correct abstract template when preparing your abstract (there is a different abstract template for each presentation type). Incorrectly formatted abstracts may be rejected outright.
  • If you are presenting regarding a digital intervention (which is/has been developed), you must include between one and three images that illustrate the intervention you are describing (please ensure you have the necessary copyright to do so). These images will be included in the Conference app along with the abstract.
  • Please note the maximum file size is 5MB so you will need to resize your images accordingly.
  • Please keep the total length to within one page.
  • References are optional.
  • Please keep to the fonts and layouts in the template.
  • Please name your file as follows: surname, first name (of the presenting author) up to first five words of your title, e.g. Smith, Jane. Co-design of app
  • Do not use headers or footnotes.

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